Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hello all,
I will be posting about the trials and tribulations of a high school coach.  I have been coaching now for seven years.  I will keep the school anonymous for the privacy of the athletes and the school.  I hope you all enjoy the posts.  I will try to write something everyday good or bad.

Here is a quick background:  I was a Division I athlete who decided to coach at the high school level after coaching one year at the DI level.  Been coaching at the same school now for 7 years.  Every year my staff and I say we could write a book about what goes on in our daily lives.  Well, its not a book but a blog.  I will be taking suggestions as well as giving any advice I can to help young coaches, veteran coaches, and athletes.  I am very excited to take on this challenge of posting and getting feedback.  I will let you into the daily lives of young athletes and what challenges they go through in the tough sport of WRESTLING.  Even if you don't understand or like the sport you will enjoy and be able to relate everything written here. 

Lets get it started in the next post titled "Here We Go Again"

ps.  I want you to know that I am not a professional writer.  So I apologize in advance if there is any grammatical errors on the posts. 

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