Monday, October 11, 2010


Okay here is just a quit blurb about parents........   Do you blame the kids or the parents?  I don't know how it is out there but around here a child is never wrong.   When did parents stop becoming parents and became friends of their own child?  (don't get me wrong a good friendship with your child is great)  How can you down outright lie for your child when you know he is wrong?  Do you do him any good keeping him from fair punishment by coaches or schools?  In my opinion hell no.  Lets start being parents and teach our kids right from wrong instead of blaming everyone else for what is wrong and trying to get them out of trouble.

One other note I love coaching as to most of us who do it for pennies at the high school level.  We are roll models but when did we get the responsibility of raising and disciplining other peoples children.  I don't know about you but I would get in trouble in school and be afraid to go home and tell my parents.  Today kids call or text mom and dad within seconds of being corrected and before you get a shower they are in your office wanting to know why you picked on their child.  Come on now what is going on here?

What do ya think lets here some feedback what does they world think??????????

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here We Go Again

No its not here we go again its another season.  (which is a month away)  Its here we go again with we like to call Drama Inc.  How much drama can be associated with high school (HS) athletes?  It drove me to start this blog and I really don't like to write lol.  For the last four years my staff and I have brought a program out of the ashes to a state recognized program again.  But not with out problems and lots of them.  I will eventually get into the past later on in future posts.  wow that sentence belongs in a Back to the Future movie.  Lets start with the modern day just to get your feet wet.

One of our top athletes who is state caliber, in fact already has a state medal has decided to turn to the dark side.  What do I mean by that?  DRUGS!!!!  Ouch.   Why?  How could you take this path?  Well his story "it helps him get through the tough times."  A 3.0 or higher GPA DI recruit.  Girl friend breaks up with him he decides to throw it down the drain.  His friends are turning their backs on him because they have tried to help but he does not respond.  It is to the point were he is starting to pick fights with his own teammates.

Before I discuss what we are doing.  I would like to here some of your suggestions.  Of course we have talked with him and the parents.  But what actions would you take to bring him back to the level of past greatness? Is it that easy that you just seek him help?  Its a small town and all will know he is a user.  Do you overlook it and hope he snaps out of it?  Do you take the only thing that he loves away from the sport he competes in?  Do you suspend him from school?  What if that gives him more opportunity to use. 

As coaches if you have not faced this problem you will.  Look outside of coaching you could be a parent, teacher, or boss.  What do you do?  In wrestling you grow a relationship like no other.  You love your athletes because they lay it on the line and work to they can't work no more day in and day out.  This is a young person that you can make the difference in his life.

There is a lot of thought that has to go into this before you act.  I will say I never agreed with just throwing them off the team.  1.  it gives them the excuse that I could of been this or that but coach threw me off the team.  2.  I don't want that on me if the kid does throw his life away and I could have helped.

After some comments I will tell you the actions we are taking with him.  I hope to maybe get some good advice as well to help with the issue at hand.

Lets make better people not just great athletes.

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Hello all,
I will be posting about the trials and tribulations of a high school coach.  I have been coaching now for seven years.  I will keep the school anonymous for the privacy of the athletes and the school.  I hope you all enjoy the posts.  I will try to write something everyday good or bad.

Here is a quick background:  I was a Division I athlete who decided to coach at the high school level after coaching one year at the DI level.  Been coaching at the same school now for 7 years.  Every year my staff and I say we could write a book about what goes on in our daily lives.  Well, its not a book but a blog.  I will be taking suggestions as well as giving any advice I can to help young coaches, veteran coaches, and athletes.  I am very excited to take on this challenge of posting and getting feedback.  I will let you into the daily lives of young athletes and what challenges they go through in the tough sport of WRESTLING.  Even if you don't understand or like the sport you will enjoy and be able to relate everything written here. 

Lets get it started in the next post titled "Here We Go Again"

ps.  I want you to know that I am not a professional writer.  So I apologize in advance if there is any grammatical errors on the posts.